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Primary Factors To Consider Before Choosing an ICO Development Company.

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How To Choose an ICO Development Company

In this influential world of cryptocurrency and blockchain, small businesses and startups aspire to become successful projects in the industry but lack investment in developing business early. Such organisations can approach a fast and adequate way to raise funds to reach their business goals. One such way is ICO, Initial Coin Offering, which is a type of crowdfunding mechanism where coins/tokens are offered in exchange for financial donations by investors. 

ICO Development: Fundraising Tool For Startups & Enterprises

ICOs are a hot topic among crypto investors. An ICO is a fundraising strategy that allows crypto-based startups/companies to list their tokens in an ICO trading platform for the investors to purchase and raise funds from them. Consulting firms diversify their service area to offer an ideal combination of advice, marketing, legal counsel and customer acquisition guidance. 

Unlike ICO, standard fundraising techniques have many rules and restrictions. Whether a startup or a big company, you will come across plenty of Initial Coin Offering service providers. On the other hand, ICO serves as a platform for pre-token sales. These tokens/coins depict the company’s products or services. Investors and the general public can take part in this.

However, there are still a few essential factors which you should take into consideration before hiring a professional ICO Development Company:

History of Working

Initial Coin Offering deals with a large amount of money, probably millions of dollars, so selecting a team with adequate experience is a terrific idea with a relevant history of launching successful tokens.

However, it does not matter whether or not the ICO development company has comprehensive legal or marketing experience outside the cryptocurrency ecosystem. The only suitable expertise they can bring to terms for your business is their successful history with successful Initial Coin Offerings.

Multinational Outreach

A certain percentage of most ICO investors come from Asian countries. Therefore, an ICO Development Company must build a local presence in these regions as well. Also, the ICO Development Company should be able to provide you with the essentials, such as transactions and contracts with local publications.

Marketing Finesse

Consultancy firms will be able to offer their own unique spin on the token marketing strategy. Depending on resources and skills, the difference between reaching out to a few people and the better half of the crypto community. The company/firm must display how it will deliver your brand to a massive audience. With the effectiveness of token sale advertisements on the decline, any company advertising is not worth your time and effort.

Social Media 

An ICO consultancy company with a reliable marketing team who understands the reach of various platforms such as BitcoinTalk, and Reddit could be your highest bet for your token to be bred among the targeted audience effectively. In addition to this, these companies also have experience setting up bounty programs, which could be a bonus for you.

Tech Stack

The company needs backing from high-end advanced technology and tools for successful ICO development. Check out their previous projects or get a demo of the ICO development handled and the technology framework used for ICO website development.

Whitepaper Service

An ICO development company also needs to publish a whitepaper. It is essential for any blockchain company issuing tokens through ICO to publish the whitepaper. The whitepaper is a document detailing the token economics it plays a role in your company’s future platform and modules of the whole operation. It conveys a professional summary of your business model, and it is best to leave such an essential task to an ICO consultancy firm.

Adept Team

Check for skilled developers having expertise in blockchain technology, an adept ICO marketing team, and a team for whitepaper creation. The team should have comprehensive knowledge of market trends, a complete tech stack, and other vital information for a successful ICO development and launch. 

Private Sales

If you desire a pre-sale of your token to a group of investors prior to the public token sale, you need to set up a proper infrastructure for that. Promotional offers will require a change in the terms and conditions of the token. Automation of sales, irrespective of the investor, needs to be offered by the consultancy company you hire.

Post-Launch Support

Post-launch support is necessary to tackle all the shortcomings during the early stages of the ICO launch. Check whether the company provides 24/7 customer support to resolve queries and bugs and provides adequate technical support at any time.

Therefore you can get an idea of characteristics to consider before deciding on a company for your ICO development services. 


We believe that cryptocurrencies are of tremendous value. And our team is updated with current tools and technologies to implement them to bring out the best possible solutions. Contact us today and speak to our team to know more about our company and how we can help you with your business requirements. Begin your ICO development journey with us.!

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